Regenerating 25,000+ Acres of Land …

Time 1 minute(s)

Calendar September 9, 2021


Regenerative agriculture is an initiative aimed at securing the health of the land and the wealth of those who live on it. Regen-agriculture is the key to our future. It increases soil carbon, biodiversity and organic soil matter by transition to holistic farming techniques. It addresses the issues of soil degradation and climate crisis and helps in reduce the GHG emission by various activities on farms. It improves water quality, regenerates the land and provides good livelihoods for farmers. It is time to take regenerative agriculture seriously now than ever. It’s an essential strategy to achieve net zero commitments and offering an alternative to unsustainable, intensive agriculture.

At Amiha our farmers are #regenagri #certified by Control Union. We have put special emphasis on protecting the soil and water for future generations as land is most important for survival.